My Leave Balances options

Check Annual Leave accrual

  1. Open the Leave Details menu
  2. Select My Leave Balances
  3. View the Annual Leave tab
  4. In the Current Balance area - this shows Balance in Hours and Balance in Days

Check Annual Leave balance at a future date

  1. Open the Leave Details menu
  2. Select My Leave Balances
  3. View the Annual Leave tab
  4. View Projection area
  5. Change date in Project leave to field
  6. Click Refresh
  7. Check Result in Hours and Result in Days in fields on far right

Note this will take into account Approved Leave up to the Projection date, not yet taken.


Additional leave types may be displayed on other tabs within this area. These are dependent on the company's set-up. They could include:

  • Personal Leave - showing Current Balance in Hours and in Days
  • Long Service Leave - showing Eligibility (e.g. years of service) and Balances (Hours, Weeks, Days)
  • Flexitime/RDO - divided into Balance (Hours, Days) for each of these options
  • Other Leave - with balances (hours, days) if this is applicable and there is data to display


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